Our services

Inner Peace for Young Souls

Helping children develop mindfulness from a young age is like planting the seeds for a fulfilling, peaceful, and successful life in their adulthood. We believe that equipping them with essential life skills early on can make a world of difference.

Our mindfulness class is specially designed for children aged 5 to 10, a critical time in their development. Here’s what we have in store for your young ones:

  1. Stress Management: In today’s fast-paced world, stress can affect even the youngest minds. We’ll teach your children effective ways to manage stress and handle life’s challenges with resilience.
  2. Balanced Brains: Mindfulness helps balance the brain’s emotional centers, fostering emotional intelligence and self-regulation in children. This is a skill they’ll carry with them throughout life.
  3. Present-Moment Awareness: Being present in the moment is a gift that keeps on giving. It improves their ability to focus, enhances their attention span, and allows them to savor the beauty of each moment.
  4. Playful Learning: Our Montessori-trained teacher uses engaging techniques that turn mindfulness and diaphragm breathing into a fun adventure. Children learn best when they’re having a great time!
  5. Self-Acceptance and Compassion: We believe in nurturing not just the mind but also the heart. Your child will grow in self-acceptance and compassion, fostering healthy relationships with themselves and others.

By acquiring these skills through play and interactive learning, your child will be better prepared to manage the stresses of their academic journey. More importantly, they’ll develop into compassionate and caring individuals who value their environment and themselves.

Investing in your child’s mindfulness education today is an investment in a brighter, more balanced, and fulfilling future. Join us in this transformative journey and watch your child bloom into their best selves.”

Raising Children to Feel at Peace in Themselves

Inner Peace for kids
Class duration:50 minutes
Class time:4:30pm – 5:20pm (Mon-Fri)
Price:$444 (plus 10.1% tax) / pack. of 10
Inner peace for teens
Class duration:50 minutes
Class time:3:30pm – 4:20pm (Mon-Fri)
Price:$444 (plus 10.1% tax) / pack. of 10
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